VICTORY Shih Tzu 2019

Hi everybody, we are very much still here ;-)
2019 startd qiut unpleasant with a water pipe broke two 
days before in our bathroom and my Sweethearts play-toy-gooming-room, 4 cm water under the floor and it causd at lot of problems, 
a true case of Murphy´s Law - everything, that could go wrong, 
went wrong.... 
We celebrated a very alternative Christmas and a little more normal
New Year ;-)

Sunday March 3rd 2019 we celebrated 29 years of 
VICTORY Shih Tzu - Shih Tzu de Luxe - Bringers of Fortune 
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
and the love, passion, lifestyle, charme and knowlegde of 
the Shih Tzu <3

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